ONU Pavilion Asia 16 - Comoglio Architetti
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ONU Pavilion Asia 16

About This Project

New functional requirements for the small construction, previously used on occasion for laboratory purpose by ITC-ILO, led to a new definition of the building. A raising above the roof, changes the whole composition and the exteriors conforms with the unifying architecture of the surrounding pavilions: the large balcony screened by brise-soleil, (settled on the previous roof), the modular skin made by white frames, the monochrome aspect for the finishing. This small construction, built as an auxiliary and provisional structure, becomes a permanent building that has the same importance of the pavilions that conform the original quality of the Campus.   




United Nations - ITC ILO

Design Architect:

Studio Comoglio Architetti

Partnership with:

ing. Marcello Concas

Gross Floor Area:

620 sq.m


In progress
